Sunday, March 7, 2021
Maybe L. Ron Hubbard was right about one thing:
It seems to me that there is no science or area of human thought that is less inclined to ask "why" than physics.
Based on me having read over a hundred "popular physics books" since the nineteen-eighties, physical science is strictly about what, with some attention given to "how". That makes it as far from philosophy as you can get.
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Does anyone have an online copy of the most recent "High Winds"?
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Ty for pimping me Ron Hubbard and jailing me watching me go without and hungry after u used my life as a game and contest ty for pimpin me
ReplyDeleteTy for using me screwing me over watching me go without
ReplyDeleteTy for using Gibbs security company and holding me hostage making my life a show.ty for making me go without and stealing from me. Ty for paying all ur hoes rent. And for never being there for me, for never hugging me, for screwing me up so bad, for hurting me so deep and for watching me cry, for making sure I have nothing and no one. For locking me at my whole life for stealing everything from me for using actors to pimp me in jail me when police me behind from behind the Walls thank you for watching my tears. I'm doing nothing cuz as long as you make a paycheck that's all that matters right. U don't care who gets hurt. U don't care if I am dying as long as you get paid. U used me my whole life sorry man Titan and w3c consortium and hoed me to jails, to crooked investors. To man mad courts and to cousin sister consentration camps. I needed you!!! I wanted you, I cried for you since I was 12, since the first hell hole u left me in to chase that hoe. TY FOR THREATENING ME WITH JAIL U CROOKED BASTARD!!! CARLY MACKENZIE SUDAN EVERYONE CRUTCHFIELD IN UR WORDS. U destroyed me u stole everything from me. I hope your whole family get as much taken from them I just taken from me I hope is many days is I spent as many nights as I spent in lockup in jails and institutions I hope each and every one of your family members gets to feel that pain a being trapped in a box crying because no one gives two rats ass about your birthday about if you're hungry or heart hurting but if you have what you need I hope everybody in your family get everybody in the world to take from them steal from them everybody watch it and no one does anything just like you did me
ReplyDeleteGREAT COMMENTS!!! That's EXACTLY how I feel about the stinking satanic shitpeople working at Microsoft!